Week Fifteen; Superman Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?

Reading this comic was entertaining is so many ways. Superman is the stereotypical perfect ideal hero. He can only be harmed by a select few elements that don't really exist on earth making him near immortal, he is the perfect moral human, doesn't kill, tries to be all that's good in the world in one individual. Honestly this makes him almost agitating as a personality. Get the stick out of your butt for heavens sake!!! He is a very unrelatable character, and in today's age he is almost undesirable because very few people want to be that perfect. I think though that he remains an icon because if you don't want to be Superman as a whole then you can definitely take him as a grain of salt. You want to be honest, he's got you. You want to be dependable, he's got you. You want to be brave, he's got you. This story is interesting because it forces Superman to become everything he didn't want to be. Most drastically was how he has to kill the villain in the end going against his biggest code of conduct. They break the iconic character and honestly it was the most refreshing break I've ever seen. I read through the comic up until the scene where they depict superman bent over crying at the realization of his pending death. It was at this image that I paused for quite a while because I was taken off guard. Superman doesn't break down....doesn't show emotion like that....doesn't fear death....I didn't even know Superman had emotions...what is going on?! After than I was much more engaged in the story because of that single break of emotion. Then he went on to talk about his love for the two women he was protecting....I'd never seen or heard Superman openly say anything about love or affection for anything or anyone. It was amazing!!! I thoroughly enjoyed this comic.


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