WEEK THREE; Flash Gordon and the Peanuts

Not gonna lie, getting through Flash Gordon was a bit of a struggle towards the middle. Let me explain, he and his fiancĂ© were having their tender moment and it was a little hard not to want to put the comic down for a second. The sense of superiority I felt coming from Flash as he spoke to her was almost unbarable. Especially when they were saying their last goodbye and he states that she will be fine because she has to pick out all of the house ware for after the wedding. Yikes! Along with this, there is the issue of very flat, one dimensional characters not unlike Superman. However, when I stepped back for a moment and looked at the comic from a slightly broader stance, it felt important to count a little bit of history into this. This was written in the 1950’s when women, along side other races, were seen as almost the inferior. This can be seen in Flash through his fiancĂ© and the way he treats women in general. It can also be seen through the way he treats alien life forms that he comes across. Extreme superiority complex and if the character is one of the main characters they are, Caucasian, and extremely human. So even though they have quite a few alien races, underneath can still be seen the tension of the way they would have looked at difference cultures or even different people of races than was what the typical American white. They weren’t very open to crossing the line of it’s ok to live along side these people who are a little bit different. This in a way also brings the fact of one dimensional characters into play. You might not have express your emotions as readily or openly in this time frame. After two world wars, a depression, and a few other wars brewing on the horizon, people wanted something that was strong, that wasn’t going to complain. They wanted a super man, the probably wanted a Flash. So even through all of these cultural influences and even though I struggled towards the center, in a way I understood some of the reasons it was the way it was  just by understanding the history. Also I was sad that I didn’t get to see if they stopped the aliens. So a relatively enjoyable story.


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